The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Death by NaNo

     Right now, I am over 10,000 words behind. NaNo is winning and I am losing. Will I make it up over the weekend, even though I have mid-quarter report cards to do (and first I need to grade an 18-wheeler full of papers organize some student work)?

     Probably not. However, right now I am 6,000 words further along on my "longish piece" than I was before I began NaNo 2013. And, I've turned a corner. Not the corner, as in the-end-of-this-novel-is-right-around-the-corner, but I think I've figured a way out of a mess I had created for myself. We'll see... 

     Another plus: my husband has hacked into my computer looked over my shoulder as I've written, and is intrigued that he is a character in it, although his name is "Dennis" in my story. Little does he know that "Dennis" also looks exactly like Viggo Mortensen. Not "Eastern Promises" Viggo but LOTR Viggo or Hidalgo Viggo or even GI Jane Viggo. I'm not terribly particular...

     So, here is a sneak-peek at my novel hubby:

       And now, back to NaNo...


  1. I'm dying right there with you. Why I signed up is a mystery to me. I have zero follow-thru - I need more chocolate and less Facebook.

  2. Well, no wonder you are slipping. Your mind is elsewhere. If you have this picture in full view...well no wonder. Write on!

    1. Linda--Yeah, blame it on Viggo. It's all his fault...

  3. I am not sure what the fine or penance is for not finishing NaNo. But would not worry about it, but would merely enjoy time spent with Viggo. None of it would be wasted!...esp if you have 6000 words recorded for later.

    1. Claudia--Yes, Viggo + more words = time not wasted. However, I WOULD like to get closer to 50,000 than I am currently...

  4. No wonder you're distracted! If that is a potential hubby... I may rethink a 2nd marriage...!

    1. Beth--Hands off. He's MY fictional husband. You can have Bruce Willis...

  5. Hang in there, Sioux. And I do love your novel hubby too :)

    1. Teri--He does have a certain "something." And thanks for the encouragement...

  6. Where is 28 Days recovering sex addict baseball pitcher Viggo? Don't tell me you STILL haven't seen that movie. I'm sure you can make time for it. What's a few more hours not spent NaNoWriMoing?

  7. I hope you're writing a romance. And if so, then anything you, um, think about on the side might be considered, uh, you know . . . research. :)

    1. Lisa--I can't write romance, don't ask me.

      But if Viggo was the focus of the research, I could be persuaded...

  8. I'm behind in NaNo too--I think I have 18,000 something words written but by today I think you had to have 25,000 (half-way point or some nonsense like that. . .) Anyway, I am going to go to two write-ins this weekend--you should leave your 18-wheeler of papers and go to the one on Saturday afternoon with Saturday Writers and catch up!

    1. Margo--Good luck. I think I am just going to keep plugging away--slowly but surely--and enjoy eating your dust as you leave me far behind.


  9. Oh so nice to look at, but I agree with Lisa. He's far more suitable for a romance story.

    Critter Alley

    1. Pat--Yes, Viggo would make even me a romance writer...


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