The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Monday, December 15, 2014

Are You a Digger?

       The other day I let our puppy Radar out. (He's almost 9 months old.) Five minutes later, I open the door to let him in, I look out, and I panic. The way he's splayed out in the yard, it's obvious something terrible has happened.

       One of his legs was gone! Had he broken a leg galloping across the yard?  Had he fallen in a horrible way?

        No. In those brief five minutes, he had dug such a deep hole, one of his front legs was completely buried in the canyon he was working on.

He tries to look  innocent, but his brain is always working on a scheme...

        What do you dig for? Radar is so determined, he not only digs with his paws, he also uses his nose.  What are you feverishly working on--physically, mentally or emotionally?

         (And do you need a foundation dug? I have a one-canine construction crew that's available for hire...He works for treats and petting.)


  1. Digging and rolling in stink...what makes dogs do these things! Why aren't they rational like humans who eat until they are miserable, stay up late at night, and spent money they don't have? Ha-ha. Have a good week,Sioux.

  2. Too funny, though I sympathize with the awful moment you must have had before you realized what was going on. Skittles has decided that pebbles are great toys. She tries to bring them inside the house. This morning I gave her a pricey chew from the pet store, and she preferred her pebble she had smuggled onto my couch. The little nut!

    I am finally peeking out from my deathbed. Did miss anything earth shaking?

    1. Shay--Nothing earth-shattering happened around here. I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.

  3. Don't try and figure them out, just love them.

  4. At least you won't have to trim his toenails.

    1. Jono--Unfortunately, the dirt doesn't wear down those nails. Besides, he likes them long... the better to dig with, my dear. ;)

  5. Aww. Radar looks so innocent.
    Harley, our black Lab also likes to dig, especially out at our place in the country. His snout gets covered in dirt or mud, but he's old, so that's OK.
    As far as what I dig for. Mostly focus, inspiration, and patience. Right now, I'm digging for more time to finish what needs to get done before Christmas.

    1. Donna--If you unearth extra time before the holidays, let me know where you found it

  6. *sobbing* Why does blogger hate me? Going for a second try.

    Okay, so, I don't remember what I said before. Something about Rigby and Penny digging for chipmunks and other critters. Oh, yeah---the digger has paws and nose covered with Georgia red dirt, and the foreman is just covered because he/she isn't bright enough to get out of the way of the flying dirt. They do so love to dig.

    1. Oh, so Radar is going to have to compete with your two-dog crew? I think you stole that idea from me. Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

  7. My little Emmy was a 6 lb. digging machine. She loved to create tunnels and would go in and pull out moles. I miss her.

    1. Kathy--A mole-killer? You could have made a lot of money off Emmy.

  8. Digging is one thing my fleabags don't do. I guess they're too busy dragging those deer legs up on the porch to rassle around at 3:00 a.m., and rolling in dead stuff, and eating about a dozen eggs a day from our free-range chickens.

    1. Poop and dead stuff--two of dogs' favorite things.

  9. Libby is not so much a digger as a burrower...right now, she's burrowed under her favorite blanket in her favorite chair (which started out as MY favorite chair but now that I think about it, she sort of dug a huge hole in it). digging? Like Donna, I'm trying to carve out time to get the writing business finished so I can play. (Play is winning...)

  10. Cathy--Burrowing is a good thing to do... especially on cold days.

  11. Too bad Radar wasn't around when we needed our foundation dug! Ha. And sorry all those notes/stationary kept you from doing what you wanted. I have no idea what you were talking about with those shows... so I'm clueless. And that was an interesting read about the interview on the memoir. Thanks for sharing everything!


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