The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Dread of the Dead

is when you're dead,
and no one cares.

No one mourns.
No one glances back.
No one wears black.
No one cries--not even a bit.
No one gives a shit
that you're gone.

That you've passed through life,
and brought no laughter,
made no one more strong,
done nothing but wrong...

That is dread.

No friends, 
no family,
no photos to speak of the you
that once was--

to vanish without making
even a temporary ripple...

that's dread. 

This was written right off the cuff, and it shows. However, I was intrigued by Mama Zen's poem, followed the link, and Shazam! It led back to Shay and her poetry prompt. Perhaps my wretched mess will prod someone else to try it... and soar.

Last night my family spent most of the evening debating over the existence of God/a soul, the meaning of life and other serious and somber topics, so Mama Zen's poem was an easy segue into this POS poem...


  1. That is a dreadful feeling. I think one reason we scribble our poems so furiously is to leave something behind when we do pass on.

    1. Sherry--I agree. Perhaps (shudder!) our words will live on after we're gone.

  2. A relief. When one is dead he no longer worries about putting on a proper show. He might be sorry he didn't though, God has a high 'standard of care' (a legal term concerning duty to others as well as God's standard).
    It was a fun poem to read. Memories were awakened, I wanted to play dead after my divorce. Friends, gradually, rescued me with life restoring efforts. One lady friend even introduced me to the new Mrs. Jim-to-be.

    1. Jim--I'm glad you found a reason to live after your divorce. I had a similar experience a few decades ago...

  3. Sometimes I wonder if I care.. It's easy to be remembered afterwards... Just become feared and hated... But to remembered for a reason of good is a real challenge - most of us will be letters carved and covered in moss.. Which might be good enough.

    1. Brudberg--"..."covered in moss." I love (and am saddened by) that image.

  4. Replies
    1. MZ--Well, it's like a toothpick compared to your Sequoias, so don't gush too much.

  5. Sioux did my challenge! *does Snoopy dance*

    1. Shay--See my reply to Mama Zen's comment, and think "ditto."

  6. but we never really know how many poeple we've touched in some quiet way.
    your words gave us much to ponder.

    1. RhymesWithBug--That is true. There are people I know who have no idea how much they've impacted my life.

  7. You wrote well for writing off the cuff! Kinda of sad though...but sadness and anger and darkness are parts of life too...when addressed, they often fade. Here you are writing and I have been putting away Thanksgiving, dragging out Christmas. It is cold and dark and wet here...the season comes. Keep writing and drag me with you!

    1. Claudia--Me dragging you would only be fair, since you drag a bunch of us along when you travel...

  8. If that is off the cuff, keep writing. We have a short time to make an impact and leave a legacy. Toy with your poem. It addresses real issues. Enjoy your time off.

    1. Linda--Keep enjoying your retirement. you deserve it.

  9. You have made a ripple. Keep on poeming!

    1. Val--Maybe I'll be a poemer when I grow up, if I keep at it.

  10. This is terrifying ~~ and, wow ~~ what a great write!

  11. In 100 years, heck 50, even 20... who'll remember? at this pace, hard to say... ~

  12. That is NOT a POS poem. It is a great start, is what it is...keep playing with it until you have it perfect. It addresses some universal things, and because it made me FEEL something, I enjoyed it, and read it a second time to be sure I didn't miss anything. Sometimes the off-the-cuff stuff is the best.

    1. Lisa--How do you know what POS stands for? I thought it was my secret code. ;)

      Thanks. And when does that second book come out?

  13. i'll add that to my list of dreads, that's for sure creepy dread

    have a good weekend

    much love...

    1. Gillena--You too--I hope your holiday was lovely, and you have a great month ahead of you before we say good-bye to 2015.

  14. That is the ultimate dread to me! I do not think it's a mess!

    1. Carol--Thanks. But after reading everyone else's, I realize there's lots of things to dread.

  15. Yes, how awful it would be to leave earth like you never lived there.

    1. Susie--I think there are rarely people who leave the earth that way, fortunately. It would indeed be awful...

  16. Sometimes it's off-the-cuff writing that dips into the deepest wells. There's something there, begging for a closer look.


Thanks for your comments. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by...