The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Monday, March 26, 2018

Been Downtown...Turkey Bound... and Six-Word Memoirs

On Saturday I marched downtown with a couple friends and 10,000 others. because I'm a teacher, I've had to go through "active shooter" training. On my classroom door is a floor deadbolt lock that if activated, would prevent the door from opening for an intruder. I've been through countless "intruder drills."

Something has to stop the mass-shootings. I'm hoping the young people can make less of a mess of the world than we did.

At the march I saw senior citizens all the way to stroller babies. People of all races and all generations came together to say, "No more." I saw many wonderful signs, some of which I cannot post. I don't want to lose my job, and I know my students are always trolling the internet looking for signs of me. If you'd like to see my favorite one, send me an email. Warning: It is a bit "colorful"...

However, here are few I especially liked:

photo by Sioux

photo by Sioux

photo by Sioux

I did not take this picture--it was from the Philadelphia march--
but I did see a few "Now You've Pissed Off Grandma" signs at the St. Louis march.

       Soon I will be returning to Turkey to rescue 3 or 4 golden retrievers. Pray (for the people around me) that I get an aisle seat, since I get up frequently during long flights. 

       Here are a couple of six-word memoirs that indicate what I've been up to over the weekend:

Vegging out on movies... so lazy.
(I saw The Darkest Hour recently, along with The Shape of Water and The Greatest Showman. I enjoyed each one immensely.)

Life or greed--which matters most?


  1. Your question appeared so easy to answer that I figured I must be missing something. Life or greed? Life would be my answer. Was this a trick question? lol

    1. Lisa--I was echoing (in fewer words) what I saw on some of the signs. The greed of the gun manufacturers, versus people's lives.

      It wasn't a trick question--I just should have put a small explanation under it because you're right--the way it is now is such a no-duh question.

  2. I didn't make it to the march, but definitely attended in spirit. I'm so impressed by those kids!

    1. Pat--This younger generation is a powerful force, for sure.

  3. I know something will get done now. Have you ever had to deal with a teenager who wanted something badly???

    1. Cathy--Also they are used to instant gratification... For once, that's a good thing.

  4. Life has to prevail. Greed has brought us to where we are, in many instances. More Turkey dogs? Good for you!

    1. Linda--You are certainly right (I hope). I hope life and love and peace are victorious over greed.

  5. You're so good - marching and rescuing dogs in Turkey!

    1. Lynn--I think we all spend time on the things we're passionate about. You do, I know.


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