The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday Memoir... And a Bit More

Well, this was a busy week but I feel like I accomplished nothing. At work, it was science fair project crunch-time. On our floor we had 41 science fair projects to get finished. Sadly, half of them need to get completed today and tomorrow.

"What do you mean, I need a journal? What's a journal?" 

You know, those diary-like entries we worked on, where you kept track of everything you did for your science fair project. You even printed some of them out to get assessed.

"Oh. I deleted those when I organized my Google docs."

Other students said, "Background--what's that?"

You know, your research paper. We each did an outlinewith an attention-getting beginning, the terms you need to explain, the scientists who studied your topic, why it's an important subject to study, and a concluding paragraph. Pull out your outline, and I'll help you with your background paper.

"Oh. I didn't do an outline."

I've sniffed a lot of rubber cement this past week (thankfully, I love the smell). I I've done no writing this week. However, I saw two of my students receive a gold ribbon in a speech competition. They did a duet, and that's the hardest category to get a gold in, since there are two performers, which means both of them need to do an excellent job. They were thrilled, and rightly so.

And now my whining is over. Here's my six-word memoir:

    My writing surrendered... "Real" work won.


    Here's another one:

   Sometimes I get terribly weighed down. 

    The above picture was taken when some reptile guy came to our school. Several of the teachers were terrified--one even left the gym and wouldn't come back in--so when the kids started shouting, "Mrs. R! Mrs. R!" they had no idea I love snakes. (I think this was an albino python. I'm sure Val can help me out if I'm wrong.)

    Hopefully this will be a better week, writing-wise... even if St. Patrick's Day is Saturday, a huuuuuge deal in our school.


  1. Sure looks like an albino python to me. AND it looks really heavy.

    I got to the point where I collected each step of the science project for points, then saved them in a file rack until presentation time. Yes, I know I'm an enabler. There were 4 or 5 students per class period digging through those hard copies for their "misplaced" portions.

    1. Val--It WAS heavy. And thankfully, there is Google docs, which means the work is automatically saved... unless you work really hard to delete something (which one of my students did do).

  2. Sorry you had a rough week. Teaching isn't for sissies, that's for sure. Your patience must be endless.

    Anyone who says the writing you accomplish isn't "real work" is likely not a writer themselves, or they'd know better. Chin up, my friend. xo

    1. Lisa--Thanks for the encouraging words. It is a tough-to-do job, but it's also the most rewarding job in the world.

  3. I have a picture like that of myself with a boa constrictor around my neck when we were in the Bahamas. The snake moved and I flinched and the guy said sharply, "Lady, don't move or you'll scare the snake!" Hubby was mad at me for doing this and said I hadn't even been drinking! He didn't know what possessed me to do this! LOL

    1. Pat--It seems like the guy was not really a people person...

  4. Hello again! Come on over to my blog, please, because I've nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. It'll be fun. I promise. :)

    1. Lisa--Thanks. I'll be answering your questions on Monday.

  5. That is one biiiiiig snake!

  6. What Pat said. And science fair...I thought I had obliterated memories of the Junior Halls and science fair projects but it all came screaming back. (Well, that was probably ME screaming...)

    1. Cathy--Yeah, the science fair project days with my kids were horrifying too. Often, it was last-minute deadlines that did me in. ("Hey Mom, I need to build an expansion bridge with marshmallows and toothpicks... and it's due tomorrow.")

  7. Oh my goodness you are brave, science projects and a boa? No uh!

  8. Boy, I'm sure your kids are going to have a different respect for you holding onto that snake!


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