The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Reminder---Definite Prizes, Possibly For You

      Finally finding my USB cord (?), I took pictures of most of the prizes for my writing contest.  (Check out the post on Monday, September 20 for details.)  The cord was in a logical place, which explains why it took me so long to find it!

     Here are the incredible prizes you could win with just 200 words.  (I did not take a picture of the box of staples, or the dry erase markers because I did not snag them from my school's vault yet figured no one needs a photo of those things. I also did not photograph the chocolate item, because I have not decided what that will be yet.)

This is a close-up of the scarf, which is hand-knit by a persnickety menopausal Missouri woman.
There will be a beaded fringe added to each end...

I am sorry---it comes on as upright, but when it's saved, it rotates...
This is a coffee-table type of book, featuring black and white photos of writers,
along with their thoughts on writing...

a writing journal, with lined pages

This is hand-quilted wall hanging, created by a pre-menopausal Missouri woman...

Please see the post on 9/20, and send your entry to


  1. great stuff! I just sent you my post for the contest via email. Please confirm if you received it! (fingers crossed here!)
    Thanks a lot!

  2. Hey Sioux! This is your post that I tried to comment on last hopefully I'll get it to work now. Just wanted to say Hi! Thanks for the contest and the photos and I'll definitely be submitting something!! :)


Thanks for your comments. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by...