The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Name the Pig

       Lisa, well known for her marvelous blog, suggested I name my magical pig.  Certainly this stout, handsome pig deserves a name but sadly, it had not entered my mind.

A pig with no name is a pig with the blues...
photo by Netream

       She offered the name "Ernest" after Hemingway.  It looks like it might be earnest as well as answer to Ernest.  However, I don't want to overlook other possibilities...

        Please check out the photos on my blog yesterday (12/21) and if a name comes to you, like in a dream, please send it my way.  After all, a pig with a much power as this porker has, deserves an appropriate name.


  1. Forgive me, but if Viggo Mortensen is headed for your door bearing the One Ring, I will have to tackle him from my hiding place in the bushes. Laws, that man is lovely! How 'bout Viggo the Piggo?

  2. How about "Triple P", which stands for Portly Publishin' Pig.

  3. Maybe my pig has multiple personalities, and thus, will need multiple names...

    Becky--I like "Triple P," so much better than PPP, which sounds like a menopausal woman with a bit of a stutter (which matches the bit of incontinence).

    And Tammy--Lovely does not even begin to describe him. Maybe when he is freshly bathed and all pink (or perhaps even better, when he is dirty?), Viggo the Piggo would be perfect.

  4. I can't wait to find out what you decide! My cousin has a real honest to goodness pet pig who is housebroken and thinks he's a dog. His name? Pork Chop. LOL

  5. I actually like the name "Ernest," if only because it has that homonymal connection to earnest. But, I don't know... for some reason, when I saw the photo from your previous post, I came up with the name "Fluor." Don't ask me why.
    Happy holidays, Sioux!

  6. Sioux! You are E-VIL! Which is of course a wonderful quality in a blog buddy!! ;)

  7. He looks like a "Frank" to me.


  8. Wow! This is not easy. I stink at this.
    How about Stanley the Flying Swine?
    Donna V.


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