The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Feel of an ebook in Your Hand

A voracious reader all my life, I have inhaled everything from Nancy Drew mysteries when I was 11 to today, when I fell head over heels for a book called Haunted.  Until recently, I have turned my nose up at ebook readers. (Not the people, but instead, the technology.)  After all, I love the feel of a book in my hands.  I like to be able and go back to the previous page and reread part of it.  I adore falling asleep on a Sunday afternoon with a book in my hand, the drool pooling next to me...

Then on Mother's Day I got a gift of an ebook reader, and surprisingly, I really like it.  I appreciate being able to get a book---within a minute or two.  I hate to admit it, but there are times when I'd like a particular book NOW, and ordering from Amazon will take too long.  Also, when I travel this summer, I will not have to take a whole case of books.  All I will need to bring with me is my ebook reader.

There are choices to check out.  There's Kindle, along with the Nook, as well as others.  Do your research, try them out if you have the opportunity, talk with people who have one, and see which one is for you.  And enjoy the reading...

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