The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Thursday, March 3, 2022

It's the Small Things

SOL #2 (should be 3--see below to read a bit about the Slice of Life challenge) 

Here are some small things I delighted in yesterday:

  • the softness of a well-loved quilt as I snuggled on the couch
  • the velvet of the side of my dog's nose
  • laughter among friends--women friends--who get the same things I get
  • dancing to Uptown Funk in my car seat as I drove
I make a conscious effort to lighten my foot when it comes to the gas pedal when that song comes on. I once got a speeding ticket for going 78 on the highway when Bruno and his friends were singing. The officer was a great guy--he wrote it for only 70--but wondered why I was going so fast. I didn't have the courage to say, "It was a reeeally good song,"

If you want to smile or snap your fingers or tap your toes, check out Uptown Funk's  music video... and keep a close eye on Bruno Mars' footwork and what he does with his hands. He's mesmerizing...


  1. Well this sounds delightful! Lol, I'm going to raz you for that ticket going forward!

  2. This is one of my favorite dance tunes and me and the kids frequently get down to it in the car! I appreciate your sensory description of "the velvet of the side of my dog's nose" -- I could feel it exactly as I read your words.

  3. Dog noses are the best! That is the part I kiss. My hand lands on it in my sleep and is there when I wake. My dogs must like it, as they don't move away from me. There are not many songs I won't dance to while driving, much to the dismay of my husband!

  4. Old Time Rock and Roll that kind of music just soothes my soul. I will dance anywhere when that song comes on.
    Slice of life story challenge, I'll bet you have lots of stories to write about. The ticket was a good story.

  5. Tracy--I sped by that officer, smoother than a jar of Skippy... until he caught up with me.

    Caroline--It IS a tune that gets most people dancing.

    Kathy--I think horses's noses--right by their nostrils--are the ultimate in velvety softness. But since I don't have a horse, my dog will have to do. ;)

    Linda--I am not coordinated enough to dance on my feet, but in the seat of the car, or when I'm alone in the house--that's a different story.


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