The Pyrenees---Southern France

The Pyrenees---Southern France

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Short Legs Upright For Too Long

       SOL #7 (It should be #8)  See below for what the Slice of Life challenge is all about.

       It's been a long day. I've been up for so long, I've got the Jimmy Legs, just like Kramer's girlfriend.


       When you're old, you look forward to the simple things. Sleep. A book you can read until you fall asleep. A bowl of potato soup. Finally starting the new season of Ozark. Napping on Saturday afternoon. Wrapping up in a quilt and snuggling on the couch. (Can you see a theme in this post?)

        My quilt and my pillow and I have a date right now...

(By the way, I Googled "photos of a bed" and they each had a lingerie-clad woman sprawled across it. None of them looked like me, with flannel PJ bottoms and a stained t-shirt and slouchy socks.)

Oh crap. It's 11:56 PM. I promised Tracy...


  1. That's write! lol I love this month and also just started Ozark this week... can't wait to gab about it.

  2. You desreve a break today. Then again, there are a few hours left TODAY so you can get into a bunch of trouble and talk about it.

  3. Every day? You're gonna need another couch! That one will be worn down to the frame with all the rest you'll need. If someone offers you a couch with a little stain on the underside of the cushion, don't take it!

  4. 1. New season of Ozark is soooo good!
    2. Your btw Google story cracked me up because it's so true and I can just picture your way "what a bunch of BS" smile. You're not falling for any of this make gaze/objectification crap. Love it.

  5. Tracy--I hope to begin it during Spring Break, which is next week.

    Linda--I'm trying to stay out of trouble. Trying.

    Val--I know. I'm barely keeping up and it's only the 9th day of the month. Yikes.

    Caroline--Tracy got me hooked on Ozark, darn her! It's not as good as Breaking Bad, but Breaking Bad is long gone...

  6. I still haven't seen Ozark. I'm too addicted to the old-time classic sit-coms. I've found laughter is something I need at the end of each day.


Thanks for your comments. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by...